Sugary synth pop with an edge, an element of twitchy, controlled noise. Romantic without being nostalgic.”  - KEXP­

Portland-based trio, Psychic Rites, refer to their music as Neon Disco Doom, a wry tag that perfectly fits their ethos.  They share the single “Unwarranted Advice” from their debut album, Cult_Memo.  Inspired by acts such as the Cure, PIL, the Knife and Depeche Mode, the group makes dark dance tunes that are both melancholic and manic.  Comprised of songwriter, guitarist and synthesizer player Mike Siemens, guitarist Dave Miller, and synthesizer player Andy Schmidt, the group made an album that blends sweet and somber while delivering tender emotion with a distinct edge.

Cult_Memo deals with the transition from religion to spirituality, and issues of mortality and salvation.  It was assembled during a three-year period of soul searching and experimentation in which they relocated from Moscow, Idaho to Portland, Oregon. The band is currently working on their next album and will be touring to support Cult_Memo.



PRESS PHOTOS (HI-RES - Photos by Kentaro Murai)